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Intuitive user portals for mobile QoS

A leading Mobile Operator needed an analytics platform to provide innovative and customized visualizations of the Quality of Service and coverage provided to their customers. Some required features included Network planning, analysing a coverage area for quality and other metrics, and identifying Hot’ or problem areas and cells, tracking and analysing a subscriber call path for the above metrics and ingesting a variety of flat file data.

Distributed agents were developed to ingest large volume of equipment logs and prediction data and were easily upgradable for newer formats. Real-time IoT agents were built using Android applications and embedded modules, to constantly supply data about the network parameters. GIS and Web Technologies were also provided to provide dashboards, reports and Big Data visualization in the form of charts, satellite and road maps.

With the Network Performance Tracking Portal, users could filter reports of Network Performance based on location and Equipment types and conduct What-If analyses on predicting network performance for different equipment parameters. The Customer Experience Portal shows parameters of a network within a chosen geography, while allowing users to drill down into smaller areas, up to the actual Network Elements. Customer satisfaction and engagement were boosted by these capabilities.

Technology Stack:

LTE RAN, Drive Test simulation, AWS IoT, HBase, PostgreSQL, GIS, Java

Intuitive user portals for mobile QoS

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