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Analysing energy storage data

A start-up in the field of Electric energy storage management needed to make their energy unit data available in the cloud for authorised clients to view and query, with a mandate to minimize expensive manual work.

Alumnus architected and designed a solution to read battery unit data and store it into purpose-built cloud databases. These cloud databases were then designed to allow a user-defined client authorisation system, to allow the client personnel to access and modify all data while their end-clients could only access and view their own data points. Alumnus’ solution resulted in an IOT application much before the term IOT was popularised.

This was designed to be a multi-tenant cloud infrastructure for IoT data on the cloud. A User portal was also designed to allow client and user personnel to access the cloud data and perform permitted analytics as needed.

Technology Stack:

Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT Edge, MQTT, Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Docker, JavaScript, React.JS, C#, ASP.NET

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